DesignWise Medical Projects

Help for Children — Having Type I Diabetes is bad enough, but imagine being a child growing up through the school system and their peer network while having to manage this  Learn More
Help for Children — Locating a feeding tube in an adult is challenging; locating a feeding tube in an infant is downright dangerous.  If misplaced, caregivers can be pumping liquid into  Learn More
Help for Children — Cough is also a fundamental feature of lung defense.  It is critical in maintaining the patency of our airway system by propelling secretions out of the lung.   Learn More
Help for Children —     Hope for Families —   Learn More
Help for Children — Every year more than 500,000 babies are born prematurely in the United States and the majority of premature infants have breathing difficulties when they are born and  Learn More
Help for Children — When children are faced with a procedure or treatment in a hospital it frequently represents the scariest thing in their young lives [even for us adults that  Learn More
Help for Children — If you are an infant learning to get around, or a handicapped adult, there are plenty of mobility devices out there to help you get around.  But  Learn More
Help for Children — Specialists regularly provide tools to families and children facing long-term hospital stays.  These tools focus on disease and pain management for children to improve the quality of  Learn More
Help for Children — Difficulty in locating veins in the extremities for IV access in neonates and infants is an ongoing problem.  Some pediatric statistics are detailed below for the success  Learn More
Help for Children — Some infants and children have chronic lung conditions that require supplemental oxygen delivery at night to keep their blood oxygen levels within normal ranges. The supplemental oxygen  Learn More
Ativan Lorazepam
Ativan (also known as Lorazepam) is a potent medication employed to manage anxiety disorders. Falling within the benzodiazepine class of drugs, it is characterized by its short-acting nature  Read More
Ambien Zolpidem
Ambien Zolpidem facilitates sleep onset within 11-30 minutes after ingestion. It's prescribed for sporadic sleeplessness induced by emotional stress, altered schedules, or changes in time zones  Read More
Accutane Isotretinoin
Accutane exhibits potent regenerative and anti-seborrheic properties, making it a prominent inclusion among the most efficacious treatments for severe acne  Read More