We provide Help for Children through the creation of child-appropriate health products that allow them to live life to its fullest.

We inspire Hope for Families by developing solutions for the unique needs of children that others ignore due to limited profit opportunities.

We are DesignWise Medical, a volunteer based, technology driven, child focused, non-profit organization.

  • Watch an introductory video on DesignWise Medical

  • Learn more about our Featured Project, the OPOD, and how you can help make it happen.

  • 24-Hour Walk Across America for Kids Thursday, Nov. 13th, 2014

  • Thank You

  • This is what it is all about...

Learn About DesignWise Medical
Learn more about who DesignWise Medical is and how we are making a difference in the health of children. Read More...
Healing Buddy Blog
Learn more about children’s health care device and product needs by following this blog by the DesignWise Medical Healing Buddies. Read More...
Volunteer Opportunities
Want to get involved with DesignWise Medical? Check out our exciting volunteer opportunities. Read More...

Sample of DesignWise Medical Projects

Diabetes Management Tools for Children
Help for Children — Having Type I Diabetes is bad enough, but imagine being a child growing up through the school system and their peer network while having to manage this disease on a daily and sometimes hourly basis all the  Read More
OPOD™ System
Help for Children — Some infants and children have chronic lung conditions that require supplemental oxygen delivery at night to keep their blood oxygen levels within normal ranges. The supplemental oxygen is not for life support, but it is crucial to  Read More
SurTube™ Smart Feeding Tube
Help for Children — Locating a feeding tube in an adult is challenging; locating a feeding tube in an infant is downright dangerous. If misplaced, caregivers can be pumping liquid into the child’s lungs, yet there have been no major advances  Read More
Comfort Kit iPhone App
Help for Children — Specialists regularly provide tools to families and children facing long-term hospital stays. These tools focus on disease and pain management for children to improve the quality of their health as they battle their disease. Although the tools  Read More
Ativan Lorazepam
Ativan (also known as Lorazepam) is a potent medication employed to manage anxiety disorders. Falling within the benzodiazepine class of drugs, it is characterized by its short-acting nature  Read More
Ambien Zolpidem
Ambien Zolpidem facilitates sleep onset within 11-30 minutes after ingestion. It's prescribed for sporadic sleeplessness induced by emotional stress, altered schedules, or changes in time zones  Read More
Accutane Isotretinoin
Accutane exhibits potent regenerative and anti-seborrheic properties, making it a prominent inclusion among the most efficacious treatments for severe acne  Read More
See all the DesignWise Medical Projects